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Thomas Sugrue appears regularly as a commentator on television, in documentary films, and on podcasts and radio. He has been interviewed hundreds of times about topics as diverse as presidential politics, civil rights activism, urban policy, and America in the 1960s. 





MSNBC: The GOP's Newest Culture War Target: American Girl Dolls, December 21, 2022.

CNN Tonight: #BLM Protests in Historical Perspective, September 11, 2020

TV Asahi (Japan): On George Floyd Protests and Policing in the U.S., June 23, 2020

France 24 Live: France Médias Monde: On George Floyd Protests: June 6, 2020

Detroit Public TV: Fifty years later, where are we now. It's history and we are living it, June 1, 2020

American Black Journal: Detroit's progress since 1967, July 29, 2017

Historian Thomas Sugrue reflects on 1967 unrest and lessons learned. WXYZ-TV, Detroit, July 24, 2017

American Forum, PBS: Obama and Trump: The First Days of a Great Presidency, December 18, 2016

CBS News, 2016 Democratic National Convention, July 27, 2016

Star Talk with Neil deGrasse Tyson, National Geographic Channel, December 20, 2015 Video and Podcast

Melissa Harris-Perry Show, MSNBC, December 12, 2015

Anti-Muslim hate crimes on rise in US

Trump rhetoric invigorates hate groups

Melissa Harris-Perry Show, MSNBC, July 11, 2015:

On the Obama administration and desegregation

On fair housing past, present and future

Breaking the sexual abuse to prison pipeline

Melissa Harris-Perry Show, MSNBC, May 9, 2015: 

On President Obama and Race

On Housing Segregation in Baltimore

Melissa Harris-Perry Show, MSNBC, April 27, 2015: Understanding America's Legacy of Slavery

Face Detroit with Bankole Thompson and Thomas Sugrue, March 8, 2014

Detroit's Future: A Conversation with Thomas Sugrue, WDET-TV, February 27, 2014

The Race for Mayor in Struggling Detroit, MSNBC (Jansing and Co.), August 7, 2013

MSNBC: Detroit Native Talks Bankruptcy, MSNBC (Richard Lui), July 21, 2013

On Detroit's Bankruptcy, MSNBC (Jansing and Co.), July 19, 2013

Race and Detroit's Violent Past, Detroit 2020, WXYZ-TV, Detroit, July 13, 2011.

Race and Housing in Detroit, Detroit 2020, WXYZ-TV, Detroit, July 11, 2011.

Mount Airy Named One of Best Neighborhoods, NBC News, Philadelphia, February 20, 2010.

On Sweet Land of Liberty, C-SPAN, BookTV, January 17, February 8, and February 9, 2009.

On Sweet Land of Liberty, Urban Update, WHDH-TV (ABC) Boston, January 18, 2009.

On Sweet Land of Liberty, Bay Sunday,  KPIX-TV, San Francisco, November 23, 2008.


Trump Undercuts Enforcement of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Popular Information, January 25, 2025.

The Unfinished Struggle for Civil Rights in Pennsylvania, WITF Radio, June 14, 2023

Stateside, Michigan Public Radio, April 10, 2023

What Does an Equitable, Inclusive Suburb Look Like? WDET Radio, February 15, 2023

Two Perspectives on the COVID Era, KPFA: Behind the News, February 10, 2022

Thomas Sugrue : « Après le 11 septembre, un nationalisme simpliste a ressurgi », Interview by Raphael Bourgois, AOC/Analyse Opinion Critique, September 11, 2021. 

New York: I ♥️ Catastrophe, France Culture, September 2021

--Episode 2: La crise des Subprimes--New York 2008--Monopoly Game Over,

--Episode 4: Covid Capital--New York 2020-2021. 

COVID-19 and Cities, "Behind the News," KPFA Radio, December 3, 2020.

Entretien: Trump est le maître du chaos et va tout faire pour compliquer la situation , L'Obs (France), November 6, 2020

What Uprisings Before The Civil Rights Era Can Tell Us About Protests Today, Wisconsin Public Radio, September 1, 2020.

Thomas Sugrue: Trump Doesn't Understand Today's Suburbs--and Neither Do You, Politico, August 6, 2020.

The Deindustrialization of Detroit, Detroit History Podcast, August 3, 2020. 

Thomas Sugrue: Why 2020 is not 1968. Economics and Beyond Podcast, July 15, 2020.

Deep dive on anti-racism protests with history prof. Tom Sugrue, UnPresidented Podcast, June 8, 2020.

Entretien: Une nouvelle conscience des injustices raciales est en train d’émerger aux Etats-Unis, Alternatives Economiques [France], June 8, 2020

Etats-Unis : "Les conditions d'un soulèvement plus large sont là,," L'Obs [Paris], June 6, 2020.

A Legislative Midlife Crisis: Now Past 50, the Civil Rights Act and Voting Rights Act Face New Challenges" (Interview with James McDevitt), NYU News, October 18, 2019; reprinted at

Flint's Problems Didn't  Start with Water, WDET Radio, July 22, 2019.

Public Thinker: Thomas J. Sugrue on History's Hard Lessons (Interview with Destin Jenkins), Public Books, April 2 2019.

Dr. Thomas J. Sugrue on Race, Civil Rights, and the Changing Political Futures of American Cities, Race and Democracy Podcast (Interview with Peniel Joseph), March 5, 2019

Detroit: Migration, Motors, and Music, BBC World, Forum, October 21,2017. 

In the Shadow of Slavery: The Events that Led to the Civil Rights Movement, Australian Broadcasting Corporation, "Rear View," October 8, 2017.

Tom Sugrue on what the movie "Detroit" gets right and wrong, Slate, August 14, 2017

Historian Thomas Sugrue on Detroit's ascension, decline, new film, "Detroit," WDET Radio (Detroit Today with Stephen Henderson) July 26, 2017

The Origins of the Urban Crisis, WILS Radio, Lansing, July 21, 2017

Historian: Divide between "white Detroit" and "black Detroit" led to city's 1967 rebellion," Michigan Public Radio, July 17, 2017

What Caused Detroit's Demise? Institute for New Economic Thinking, November 2016

Hard lessons from 2016 election, KALW Public Radio, San Francisco, November 10, 2016

Urban policy and the election, Steven Henderson Show, WDET Radio, September 22, 2016

On Trump, race, and the election, Leslie Marshall Show, I Heart Radio, August 23, 2016.


"L'historien éclaire-t-il le présent," La vie des idées, May 25, 2016.


"Décryptage. Racisme plaie des États Unis," France Ouest, August 10, 2015.


"My Crystal Ball is Cloudy: The Historian as Public Intellectual. An Interview with Thomas J. Sugrue" by Thomas Grillot and Pauline Peretz, Books and Ideas, November 13, 2014.


Author Sugrue Gauges Urban Struggle in Detroit, WDET Public Radio, Detroit, September 12, 2014

Avec Obama, les Noirs ont cru que ca allait améliorer, Libération (Paris), August 18, 2014


Redevelopment in Detroit, WILS-Lansing, March 4, 2014

Sugrue: "Trickle Down Urbanism" Won't Work in Detroit, Detroit Free Press, February 23, 2014


"Meds and Eds" are a "Bright Light" For Detroit, WDET Public Radio, Craig Fahle Show, February 20, 2014.


Martin Luther King, Jr. and Economic Inequality, Sirius XM Catholic Channel, January 18, 2014


Charter Schools in Philadelphia: Education without a Blueprint, National Public Radio (Morning Edition), November 22, 2013

Barack Obama: Race and Politics in the Age of Fracture, KCUR Public Radio, Kansas City, October 9, 2013

Barack Obama, WMOT Radio, Murfreesboro, TN, September 18, 2013 


Labor Movement Was Critical Ally to Civil Rights Movement, National Public Radio (All Things Considered), August 27, 2013.


Detroit: The Killing of a City, Progressive Radio Network (Leid Stories), August 20, 2013

Tom Sugrue: What Really Happened to Detroit? Majority Report with Sam Seder, July 30, 2013


What's Behind Detroit Going Bankrupt?, KALW (San Francisco), July 29, 2013


Les conservateurs ne veulent sauver Detroit, Le Monde, July 24, 2013


Detroit: A Lose-Lose Situation for All Involved, Toronto Globe and Mail, July 19, 2013

Detroit, ecco perché muore una metropoli, Linkiesta (Italy), June 30, 2013

On Post-World War II Philadelphia, History Making Productions, 2012-13

Organized Labor and American Politics, Al Jazeera English, August 15, 2012.

On Campaign Finance Reform and Citizens United, WRTI Radio, Philadelphia, August 13, 2012.

On Obama's Education and Detroit's Decline, Mac Weekly, March 9, 2012.

Falling Home Values Hurt Property Tax Revenues, Public Radio International/WNYC (The Takeaway), December 27, 2011.

Topeka, Kansas Repeals Domestic Violence Law, Public Radio International/WYNC (The Takeaway), October 13, 2011.

Continuing Housing Crisis: Ghost Suburbs and Empty Real Estate, Public Radio International/WNYC, June 1, 2011.

Conservatives and the Backlash Against Detroit, WJR Radio Detroit, May 23, 2011.

The Changing Face of Race in Philadelphia, WHYY Radio Times, April 14, 2011.

Detroit's Distress: A Q+A with Thomas J. Sugrue, Newark Star-Ledger, April 6, 2011.

Labor Unions: American Tradition or Outmoded System, SAS Frontiers, April 2011.

Living Cities Aims to Stretch Philanthropic Dollars, Public Radio International/WNYC (The Takeaway), October 28, 2010.

Thomas Sugrue on Barack Obama and the Burden of Race, WRCT Radio, Pittsburgh, October 26, 2010.

Why Greater Detroit is So Segregated, Time, October 1, 2010.

President Obama and the Burden of Race, SAS Frontiers, August 2010.

On Barack Obama and Civil Rights, WRTI Radio, Philadelphia, June 4, 2010.

Telling Detroit's Stories, WDET Radio, Detroit, Craig Fahle Show, March 17, 2010.

On Racial Integration and the Suburbs, WHYY Radio, Philadelphia, Radio Times, October 1, 2009.


On Race and Homeownership, KCRW/Public Radio International, to The Point with Warren Olney, August 19, 2009.  


Renting is the New American Dream, WSJ This Morning, August 17, 2009.  


Homeownership and Renting, Sirius Satellite Radio, Channel 110, POTUS Morning Briefing, August 17, 2009.


Homeownership and Renting, WPHT Philadelphia (syndicated nationally), Michael Smerconish Show, August 17, 2009.


The New Racism, KBOO Radio, Portland, Old Mole Variety Hour, August 10, 2009.


GM's Big Loss/Detroit Demystified, WDET Radio, Detroit, February 26, 2009.

On Detroit's Mayoral Election and Urban Politics, Michigan Public Radio, Jack Lessenberry Show, February 25, 2009


Sarah Barringer Gordon interviews Thomas Sugrue on Sweet Land of Liberty at the "Not Even Past" series, University of Pennsylvania, February 18, 2009.  


On Sweet Land of Liberty, Pat Williams Show, WDBO Radio, Orlando, Florida, February 14, 2009. 


On Sweet Land of Liberty, It's About You with France Kassing, KDVS, Davis, California, January 19, 2009.


On Sweet Land of Liberty, The World in Time with Lewis Lapham, Bloomberg Radio, January 18, 2009.

Also available at Lapham's Quarterly


On Sweet Land of Liberty, Centered Today with Don Belanus, KFNX Phoenix, January 18, 2009  


On Sweet Land of Liberty, Beyond the Pale, WBAI Radio, New York, January 11, 2009 


On Sweet Land of Liberty, Marc Steiner Show, WEAA Radio, Baltimore, December 16, 2008


"The Forgotten Struggle for Civil Rights in the North: An Interview with Thomas Sugrue," History News Network, December 15, 2008


On Sweet Land of Liberty, Radio Times, WHYY Radio, Philadelphia, December 10, 2008, Rebroadcast January 19, 2009.


Civil Rights in the North, Leonard Lopate Show, WNYC Radio, New York, December 9, 2008


What Thomas Sugrue is Reading, Writers Read, December 8, 2008 


On Sweet Land of Liberty, Commonwealth Journal, WUMB Boston, November 30, 2008


On Sweet Land of Liberty, Wake Up Call, WBAI Radio, New York, November 26, 2008


On Sweet Land of Liberty, Sam Greenfield Show, WVNJ Radio, New Jersey,  November 24, 2008


Understanding Racial Perceptions, NPR News and Notes, November 21, 2008


On Sweet Land of Liberty, Michigan Public Radio, Jack Lessenberry Show, November 20, 2008


On Sweet Land of Liberty, KUSF-FM, Forum, San Francisco, November 20, 2008 


On Sweet Land of Liberty, Paul Edwards Show, God and Culture, WLQV Radio, November 18, 2008


On Sweet Land of Liberty, "Living Writers", WCBN-FM, Ann Arbor, November 18, 2008


WBNW “Pages to People,” WBNW, Needham, MA, November 15, 2008


On Sweet Land of Liberty, "Make it Plain with Mark Thompson," Sirius Satellite Radio, Channel 146, November 11, 2008


Drive, Daddy, Drive, Weekend America, American Public Media, June 28, 2008


Race and the Election, Blog Bunker, Sirius Satellite Radio Indie Talk Channel 110, June 19, 2008.  


Robert F. Kennedy's 1968 Campaign for the Presidency, Radio Times, WHYY Philadelphia, June 6, 2008


The First Black Candidate to Lead a Major Party Ticket: Why Obama? Why Now? Patt Morrison Show, KPCC Radio, Los Angeles, June 4, 2008


The forgotten history of civil rights: Tom Sugrue talks about his upcoming book, Sweet Land of Liberty, SAS Frontiers, February 2008


Understanding Society Podcast, Chancellor Daniel Little, University of Michigan, Dearborn, January 9, 2008also here


Urban Historian Says Racial Inequality a Continuing Struggle, WKSU Public Radio, Kent, Ohio, October 20, 2007


Cityscapes Interview Series, by Claudia Colton, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, October 19, 2007 


Forty Years Later: Thomas Sugrue on 1967," WWJ Radio, Detroit, July 23, 2007

"Five Days in July," Panel Discussion on the Newark Riot of 1967, PRX, July 2007

"Jim Crow's Last Stand," WILL public radio, Focus 580, Urbana, Illinois, February 21, 2007

Jack Lessenberry's Essays and Interviews, Michigan Radio, January 3, 2007

Unconventional wisdom: Urban historian Thomas Sugrue revisits Detroit, by W. Kim

Heron, Metro Times, November 9, 2005

On the Kennedy assassination and historical memory, Radio Times, WHYY Philadelphia, November 21, 2003

On racial integration, Radio Times, WHYY, Philadelphia, January 17, 2003

On city residency requirements for teachers, Radio Times, WHYY Philadelphia, June 18, 2001

Historically Speaking: An interview with Professor Thomas Sugrue, by Julian Zelizer, Journal for Multi-Media History, April 7, 1999

Thomas J. Sugrue, NYU, 20 Cooper Square, Fourth Floor, New York, NY  10003 

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