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Sugrue is a field-defining author of books in modern American history and society. His first book, The Origins of the Urban Crisis, won several awards, including the Bancroft Prize in History.  It is widely used in the classroom and was reissued as a Princeton Classic in 2014, with a new preface on Detroit's bankruptcy. Sugrue's book Sweet Land of Liberty: The Forgotten Struggle for Civil Rights in the North was reviewed widely and was a finalist for the Los Angeles Times Book Prize in History and a Main Selection of the History Book Club. His book, Not Even Past: Barack Obama and the Burden of Race, has been lauded as "elegant," "important," and "brilliant," and has been translated into French and Chinese. His book, These United States: The Making of a Nation, 1890-Present, with Glenda Gilmore, was hailed by Slate as "a timely, remarkable new survey of America since 1890" and as "required reading." He has also edited books on the pioneering African American intellectual W.E.B. Du Bois, on suburbia, on immigration and urban revitalization, on neoliberalism and American cities, and on the 2020 crisis of pandemic, protests, policing, and politics. 

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Thomas J. Sugrue, NYU, 20 Cooper Square, Fourth Floor, New York, NY  10003 

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